While I could think of 1,000,000 excuses, only one is true. Instead of writing down my thoughts and sharing them with the world, at about the time I stopped blogging, I started DiverSync - the netcast and podcast for scuba divers.
Podcasting is not new. But for the scuba industry I was surprised to find so few people who actually were podcasting. Instead of blogging, I was "speaking my mind" openly in a radio format. People who listen to my podcast spend time each week inside my head. I pick a topic and expound on it, using my experience and research and in some cases special guests, to educate and entertain. Topics in the past have included, dive reports, site reviews, equipment, education and opinion. A good dose of "scuba in the news" is also included. The most entertaining part of the podcast, has to be the chat room. Working with a website called talkshoe, I have the ability to interact with people via the chat room while my show is live. The chat room is an integral part of the show. They keep me grounded, entertained, and they provide topics for discussion. They also from time to time get me off track. I feel that's what makes my podcast real.
I would really appreciate it if you checked out the podcast at DiverSync.com. There's a Facebook page, a twitter feed, and soon it will have its own blog. If you're new to podcasting, but you're not new to the whole MP3 experience. You will find it extremely easy to add it to your playlist. All you do is download a file, loaded onto your iPod or MP3 player, and listen to it as you would listen to any song. Each podcast is an hour and has commercial breaks about every 15 minutes. I'm happy to say I just finished episode 60. That gives you about 60 hours worth of material to listen to on your commutes.
Even though I'm going to continue on with DiverSync, I will do my best to keep active with this blog. I you're reading this as a Facebook note page, please take the time to go to diversinc.blogspot.com and follow the blog. The more people who follow the page, the more motivated I will be to write it.
I look forward to writing more in hearing any comments you may have. See you soon.